Friday, October 6, 2017

Current Thoughts...

I write in weird prose, often savoring single words. My writing is not meant for everyone to digest at the same rate, or even to appreciate. Rather, it is a very personal outlet, an expression. Why so many single words? Because to my mind, they are rich in depth and meaning, all while standing alone.  I like to pause, absorb, and reflect. Simple, single words can move me. Not for their number (as mentioned in a previous post), but for their individual weight.

What a banquet can be feasted upon... even with three words.!

(NOTE:  There is a lot going on politically and socially in our country, and you may notice a lack of comment. It does not reflect a lack of awareness or concern.)


  1. Words do stand alone. It is up to us as humans to decide if they are to be used lightly or heavily.

    1. You are so right. We do have a choice as to how they are used... or not used. Words can be precious tools to encourage, express, and heal... to inquire, learn, and grow wise. Or they can be destructive weapons, used to manipulate, deceive, and wage war. Just as it is a skill to choose which words for which purpose, it takes practice to choose which words to receive or reject.
      It has always been my heart to speak life and truth where I can. Yet, I often fail. There are two people in my life with polar opposite reactions to what I've said. One has received it with openness and I am amazed at the beautiful change in his life, his level of self-awareness and strength. His own words reflect growing character and confidence. The other rejects any belief in the man I see behind the mask, in the acceptance... my words are spurned.
      Now I am met with silence....

  2. You cannot convince anyone of what you see in them, they must first believe it themselves and in themself. Once they begin to believe they to will see what you see.

    1. ...the truth. I only pray they see the beautiful truth of who they are. Not because I believe it, and see it, but because it is truly there.

  3. May your prayer be answered and they see as you do.

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    1. There is still hope for that person. As long as there is breath...

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