Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Epilogue - Prose entitled "Waiting"

We breathe. Involuntary. Necessary.

At times, those breaths are twin-v’s, drawn in adrenaline-fueled gulps like a thrilled starved curve junkie...

At times, those breaths are taken without thought, taken for granted, amnesiatic drones of in and out...

And, at times, those breaths are held. Anticipatory gulps and then... the waiting.

Waiting. For then. But “then” never comes.

Waiting. For a future now. But by “then” the breath is stale. Dead. Dried and blown exhaust from burning hot Vance Hines pipes.

Waiting. Breath held while the ship slips it moor and departs, leaving the dock of your “then” and you left... waiting in the rippling wake.

Funny, but you can never breathe the same breath twice.

Wait, but the past breath is over.

Wait, but the future breath never comes.

Wait... and miss the delicious breath of the present.

Breathe... deeply.

Taste that?

It’s call “now.”


  1. Of the things you have written and that I have had the Honor of reading, this is one of two that I hold near and dear to my heart. Rowdy D.

  2. I'm curious about this one. A lost love?

  3. Then it wasn't meant to be.

    1. We all have choices, and free will. So much of our "destinies" are more the result of our decisions, rather than "fate." I will miss your comments on my blog. You've given me so much to think about.
