What is so, so sad, in this situation, is that sorry is disposable.
Sorry is not a hard word to say.
It is so very easy.
Sorry means nothing except a slight acknowledgment that something was wrong.
It is not ownership.
It is not repentance.
It is not heartfelt sorrow with a desire to make things right.
Sorry, especially, means nothing when it is followed by repeating the same behavior over, and over, and over, and over...
Sorry is cowardly simple.
It involves no humility.
Sorry greases foolish skids and manipulates the other that wants so badly to love.
You don’t “gotta do” anything to make someone love you, or to hear.
It’s absurd to think sorry is a magic wand that restores love or extends grace.
True love forgives.
While true sorrow (sorry) repents and asks for forgiveness.
When one loves, and is truly forgiven, there is real change.
Visible change.
From the inside out.
It is only my opinion, but the hardest word is truth.
And there simply is no love without it.
It’s a sad, sad situation.
For some...