Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I write because

I write because...

...the words will not wait.
...they must be expressed.
...perhaps someone will read.
...I imagine I will be heard.
...perhaps some other mind and heart will understand.
...I long to touch another soul.
...I long to understand, and be understood.
...it is human.
...it allows me to just "be."
...I imagine this is a dialogue, not just an ego-driven monologue.
...it feels like the purest water flowing out of my soul.
...it is cathartic.
...it is like a song by which my soul dances.
...words can be like unexpressed tears.
...it is so much more than words.
...thinking someone special may read it gives me a shit-eating grin.
...in a way, it is empathetic.
...perhaps this virtual wooden spoon will hit someone on the ass and cause them to become more self-aware, as well.
...it is window on the past, the present, and ideas of the future.
...it can be reread and cried over, laughed at, or smiled about.

...I can.